Thursday, September 28, 2017

10/2/17 - 10/6/17

Monday, October 2, will be make-up picture day at noon.
The bible verse for the week will be:  "F"  Fear not: for I am with thee.  ~ Isaiah 43:5
Our STAR of the week will be HALLIE CRITES!!!!!!
Have a wonderful weekend!!

Thursday, September 21, 2017

9/25/17 - 9/29/17

Grandparents Day is Friday September 29th!!
Please remember to send in a baseball cap for your child to wear during  their performance.
This week we learned two more letter sounds: "B" and "N"
Our "B" letter friend's name is Beautiful Buttons.
Our "N" letter friend's name is Noisy Nose Ned
The bible verse for this week will be: "E" Even a child is known by his doings.  ~ Proverbs 20:11
Our STAR of the week will be GARRETT BROOKS!!!

Friday, September 15, 2017


Our school is collecting school supplies for the students down south that lost everything due to the recent hurricanes.  We would love to have your help!
We are having Parent Teacher Conferences next Thursday, September 21, from 5-7 p.m.
Our STAR of the week is LAURA GIBSON!!!
Our bible verse for the week will be "D" Depart from evil, and do good.  ~Psalm 34:14
We have introduced "Letter People" this week to help the kids, in a fun way, learn the letter sounds.  We have met: "A" Achoo Alice, "E" Exerciser Emily, "I" Itchy Isabella, "O" Ollie Odbert, "U" Unusual Umbrella, "T" Timothy Tall Teeth and "L" Lollipop Louie!
Grandparent's Day is Friday September 29th!
We're asking you please send in a baseball cap to use during their performance.
We will be taking pictures of the kids on Monday, September 18, for a special craft for the grandparents. 
Hope you have a great weekend!!

Friday, September 8, 2017


We now have library on Friday!! Each child can check out a book but will have to return it by the following Friday in order to choose a different one. 

Our "STAR" of the week is:  ADALENA MCCLUNG!!

BIBLE VERSE FOR THE WEEK:  "C" Children, obey your parents in the Lord: for this is right.
~Ephesians 6:1

Have a blessed weekend!

Friday, September 1, 2017

NO SCHOOL: Monday, September 4!!
BIBLE VERSE FOR THE WEEK:  "B" Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved.   ~Acts 16:31
Have a nice weekend!!

5/7/18 --5/11/18 Please remember to send in your child's permission slip Monday.  We will be going to the Road Side Park on Tuesday (5...