Friday, January 12, 2018

1/15/18  -  1/19/18


(Jan. 22-26)
Theme: "LIT" (John 8:12)
Mon- CRAZY DAY (dress as crazy as you want!)
Tues- TWIN DAY (dress like another student....not triplet, or quadruplet....TWINS only)
Wed- WESTERN DAY (cowboy hats, cowboy boots, etc)
Thurs- DISNEY DAY (Disney attire)
Fri- SCHOOL SPIRIT DAY ( "Black out" wear all black)

*There will be NO CHAPEL on Wednesday, the 24th.
* Friday at 8.m. we will have a school wide PEP RALLY in the big gym.
*Also start saving your pennies for "PENNY WARS" which is a school wide competition on which class can bring in the most pennies.
* Our class will earn "points" each day for SPIRIT WEEK PARTICIPATION, our famous "lip sync" battle, memorizing our SCRIPTURE (John 8:12), etc. Please dress your child each day and have them to participate in the FUN!

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5/7/18 --5/11/18 Please remember to send in your child's permission slip Monday.  We will be going to the Road Side Park on Tuesday (5...